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Browsing by Author 小井川, 広志

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
22-Dec-2011A Dynamic Entrepreneurial Process Approach of Industrial Linkage Creation in Developing Countries: A Theoretical FrameworkOIKAWA, Hiroshi, Michael; 小井川, 広志
20-Dec-2005Foreign Direct Investment as a Real Option: The Role of Managerial Flexibility and Uncertainty in Foreign Investment DecisionOIKAWA, Hiroshi, Michael; 小井川, 広志
31-Mar-2010FTZ Lifecycle Development in Malaysian IndustrialisationOIKAWA, Hiroshi, Michael; 小井川, 広志
20-Dec-2006International Value Distribution in Asian Electronics and Automobile Industries : An Empirical Value Chain ApproachOIKAWA, Hiroshi, Michael; 小井川, 広志
20-Dec-2005TNC-led Auto Industrialisation in Malaysia: An Empirical Value Chain ApproachOIKAWA, Hiroshi, Michael; 小井川, 広志
20-Dec-2007地方中堅企業の中国進出:長崎県の事例OIKAWA, Hiroshi, Michael; 小井川, 広志
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6


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