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Showing results 156 to 175 of 1547
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Mar-2024Necessity for Research on Work Engagement of Remote Island Public Health Nurses – Based on literature review findings for research on nursing profession work engagement and rural nursing profession turnover and retention –HIRATA, Mako; OTSUKA, Kazunori
31-Mar-2021Nerlove部分調整モデルを利用した農作物栽培面積決定モデルに関する研究―京畿道の主要作物を中心として―李, 鎭弘; 田村, 善弘; LEE, Jinghong; TAMURA, Yoshihiro
26-Aug-2014Non-genomic Actions of Diterpenoid Acids : with Special Reference to Differentiation Induction of Human Neuroblastoma and Hepatoma CellsSAKANE, Chiharu; 坂根, 千春
21-Dec-2009Not all dictionaries are created equal: Some considerations towards improving the effectiveness of dictionary use in EFLCUTRONE, Pino; カトローニ, ピノ
20-Dec-2006A note on dual connections of Finsler spaces永野, 哲也; NAGANO, Tetsuya
30-Mar-2002OEDにおける「心理受動文+by」構文とHenry Bradley竹田津, 進; TAKETAZU, Susumu
20-Dec-2007On Statistical Structures and Dual Connections on the Subbundle HM of Finsler Spaces永野, 哲也; NAGANO, Tetsuya
20-Dec-2005On Statistical Structures and the lifts of Finsler Metrics永野, 哲也; NAGANO, Tetsuya
20-Dec-2002On the Geometry of Singular Finsler Spaces(Survey)永野, 哲也; NAGANO, Tetsuya
15-Jan-2014On the quantities W, L, K derived from linear parallel displacements in Finsler geometryNAGANO, Tetsuya; 永野, 哲也
30-Dec-1999Onions and his treatment of be surprised by in the OED竹田津, 進; TAKETAZU, Susumu
20-Dec-2007Orientation and Culture in Office-hour InteractionsCOOK, Melodie; クック, メロディ
20-Dec-2005Panel D-15テスト色票色を用いたランドルト環の認識速度測定柳田, 多聞; YANAGIDA, Tamon
30-Jun-2022Perception and Appraisal of Singapore’s Integrated Resort Casino Users Using Online Reviews:Cases of KoreaKIM, Jee-Seon
30-Jan-1997Persian Muslim Merchants in Thailand and their Activities in the 17th Century-Especially on their visits to Japan-長島, 弘; NAGASHIMA, Hiromu
30-Jun-2001Physical Significance of the Difference between the Brans-Dicke Theory and General Relativity宮崎, 明人; MIYAZAKI, Akihito
20-Dec-2004Picturesqueについて相澤, 興一; AIZAWA, Koichi
30-Jun-2011POODLLPUP - The Bootable Open Source Language LaboratoryRAWSON, Thom W.; RAWSON, Thom W.
30-Mar-2010Possibility of Activating the City’s Central Commercial BusinessesGIMA, Toshihiko; GIMA, Toshihiko
21-Dec-2009Preliminary results of a survey of teacher attitudes and experiences regarding the teaching of English humourホドソン, リチャード; HODSON, Richard
Showing results 156 to 175 of 1547
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