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長崎県立大学学術リポジトリ >
国際情報学部研究紀要:第1号~第16号 >
第8号 >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl.handle.net/10561/248

Title: テレビ番組としての平和式典と長崎くんち
Other Titles: The Peace Ceremony and Nagasaki Kunchi Festival as the TV Program
Author: 森田, 均
Author's alias: MORITA, Hitoshi
Issue Date: 20-Dec-2007
Publisher: 県立長崎シーボルト大学
Shimei: 県立長崎シーボルト大学国際情報学部紀要
Issue: 8
Start page: 139
End page: 154
ISSN: 1346-6372
Abstract: This thesis proposes a research method for the media history. The new method reconstructs the broadcasting record of the local TV program from the retrieved newspaper article.
This thesis proposes a research method for the media history. The new method reconstructs the broadcasting record of the local TV program from the retrieved newspaper article.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10561/248
Appears in Collections:第8号

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