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長崎県立大学学術リポジトリ >
国際情報学部研究紀要:第1号~第16号 >
第11号 >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl.handle.net/10561/690

Title: 低照度におけるイカの挙動解析の基礎的検討
Other Titles: An Elemental Study on Dynamic State Observation of Squids under Low Illumination
Author: 吉村, 元秀
森保, 瑠太
岡本, 昭
Author's alias: YOSHIMURA, Motohide
Issue Date: 17-Dec-2010
Publisher: 長崎県立大学
Shimei: 研究紀要
Issue: 11
Start page: 341
End page: 345
ISSN: 1883-8111
Abstract: We report an elemental study on an image sensing technique toward the dynamic state observation for squids under the low illumination. Squids are in storage tanks made from plastic. The color of the tank is black. The tank is kept in a closed black colored box. The illumination source is a halogen light and a near-infrared LED. The intensity of the halogen light is tuned from 0lx as a minimum. The dynamic state of a squid under the low illumination is captured by using infrared camera and the behavior of the squid is analyzed by using computers.
Keywords: squid, dynamic state observation, image sensing, infrared camera
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10561/690
Appears in Collections:第11号

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