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Browsing by Author SEBATA, Takao

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 22
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15-Jan-2014Essence of United States Forces in Japan (USFJ)SEBATA, Takao; 瀬端, 孝夫
21-Dec-2009Globalized United States-Japan Alliance and Japan's Security in the 21st Century瀬端, 孝夫; SEBATA, Takao
23-Jan-2015Host Nation Support Economic Benefit for Japan?--A Case of OkinawaSEBATA, Takao; 瀬端, 孝夫
22-Dec-2011Host Nation Support(HNS)for United States Forces in Japan(USFJ)瀬端, 孝夫; SEBATA, Takao
23-Jan-2015Japan as an American Protectorate and Collapse of the Hatoyama AdministrationSEBATA, Takao; 瀬端, 孝夫
28-Dec-2015Japan as an American Protectorate and External ThreatsSEBATA, Takao; 瀬端, 孝夫
28-Dec-2016Japan’s Choice in the 21st Century-In Search of a Demilitarized and Neutral JapanSEBATA, Takao; 瀬端, 孝夫
11-Jan-2013Pros and cons for keeping United States Forces in Japan (USFJ)SEBATA, Takao; 瀬端, 孝夫
20-Dec-2007The Redefinition of the Security Treaty瀬端, 孝夫; SEBATA, Takao
22-Dec-2008Review of Japan's Defense Policy Debate瀬端, 孝夫; SEBATA, Takao
17-Dec-2010The Futenma United States Marine Corps Base and Japan’s Foreign Policy瀬端, 孝夫; SEBATA, Takao
28-Dec-2015The Right to Collective Self-Defense and Prime Minister Shinzo AbeSEBATA, Takao; 瀬端, 孝夫
31-Mar-2016The Right to Collective Self-Defense and United States Forces in Japan (USFJ)瀬端, 孝夫; SEBATA, Takao
31-Mar-2012United States Forces in Japan (USFJ) and ExtraterritorialitySEBATA, Takao; 瀬端, 孝夫
20-Dec-2006アメリカの外交政策と日米関係瀬端, 孝夫; SEBATA, Takao
22-Dec-2008アメリカ大統領選挙と日米関係瀬端, 孝夫; SEBATA, Takao
21-Dec-2009オバマ新大統領でアメリカはどう変わるのか-新たな日米関係の模索-瀬端, 孝夫; SEBATA, Takao
11-Jan-2013沖縄へのオスプレイ配備に見る日本の安全保障瀬端, 孝夫; SEBATA, Takao
22-Dec-2011官僚支配の日本と日本の安全保障・防衛瀬端, 孝夫; SEBATA, Takao
17-Dec-2010市場原理主義とアメリカ -医療,教育,軍事において-瀬端, 孝夫; SEBATA, Takao
Showing results 1 to 20 of 22
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