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Showing results 224 to 243 of 1539
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
11-Jan-2013The quantities derived from linear parallel displacements along an infinitesimal parallelogramNAGANO, Tetsuya; 永野, 哲也
23-Jan-2015The quantities W, L,K and variations of geodesics in Finsler spacesNAGANO, Tetsuya; 永野, 哲也
28-Dec-2015The Right to Collective Self-Defense and Prime Minister Shinzo AbeSEBATA, Takao; 瀬端, 孝夫
31-Mar-2016The Right to Collective Self-Defense and United States Forces in Japan (USFJ)瀬端, 孝夫; SEBATA, Takao
31-Mar-2017The Situation, Relations and Problems between Social Economy and Ecology Development of Western FujianWANG, Lianfang
31-Mar-1997The Structural Change of Interregional Economic Cooperations in East AsiaYANG, Kwang-soo; YANG, Kwang-soo
30-Dec-2013The University of Nagasaki - Online Resource Center How To Use - Part IRAWSON, Thom W.
30-Sep-2001Time-Variation of the Gravitational Constant and the Machian Solution in the Brans-Dicke Theory宮崎, 明人; MIYAZAKI, Akihito
20-Dec-2005TNC-led Auto Industrialisation in Malaysia: An Empirical Value Chain ApproachOIKAWA, Hiroshi, Michael; 小井川, 広志
31-Mar-2017Tourism Development and Environmental Problems on Hawaii in the late 20th CenturyISHIHARA, Hayato; NAGAHAMA, Koichi
31-Mar-2016TPP協定交渉の大筋合意と日中韓のFTA戦略楊, 光洙; YANG, Kwangsoo
28-Dec-2015Twitterを用いた長崎くんち活況度マップの作成吉村, 元秀; 堂山, 有紀; YOSHIMURA, Motohide; DOYAMA, Yuki
30-Jun-2001Uniqueness of the Machian Cosmological Solution in the Brans-Dicke Theory宮崎, 明人; MIYAZAKI, Akihito
31-Mar-2012United States Forces in Japan (USFJ) and ExtraterritorialitySEBATA, Takao; 瀬端, 孝夫
15-Jan-2014Using Personalized Narratives as Motivational StrategiesMILLINGTON, Neil T.; ミリントン, ニール
21-Dec-2009Using Virtual Portfolios to Improve Presentations in an EFL SettingHENSLEY, Joel; ヘンスリー, ジョール
30-Dec-2001Varying Cosmological Constant and the Machian Solution in the Generalized Scalar-Tensor Theory of GraViation宮崎, 明人; MIYAZAKI, Akihito
31-Dec-2005Visual Basicプログラミング基礎教育におけるWebを利用したリアルタイム授業評価システムの運用大塚, 一徳; 八尋, 剛規; OTSUKA, Kazunori; YAHIRO, Takeki
22-Dec-2008Vowel Change Accompanied by Accent Shift小川, 直義; OGAWA, Naoyoshi
30-Dec-2010W.エンプソン稿「マルサス氏の生涯、著作、および性格」柳田, 芳伸; YANAGITA, Yoshinobu
Showing results 224 to 243 of 1539
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