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Showing results 92 to 111 of 1547
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
30-Mar-2013‘Do you have~?’構文の初出年代をめぐって竹田津, 進; TAKETAZU, Susumu
30-Mar-2002Effects of Mental Stress on Peripheral Circulation Ebaluated by Acclelerated Plethysmogram西村, 千尋; NISHIMURA, Chihiro
20-Dec-2001EFL辞書とインターネット・リソース上村, 俊彦; UEMURA, Toshihiko
15-Jan-2014Essence of United States Forces in Japan (USFJ)SEBATA, Takao; 瀬端, 孝夫
20-Dec-2005EUはボスポラス海峡を越えるか-トルコ加盟問題の考察-河野, 健一; KOHNO, Kenichi
20-Dec-2007EU加盟後の中・東欧 - 政党システム,ユーロ懐疑論,ポピュリズム -荻野, 晃; OGINO, Akira
20-Dec-2004EU拡大の理念と現実 - 最前線での考察 -河野, 健一; KOHNO, Kenichi
22-Dec-2017EV時代の中国における自動車メーカーの競争戦略小原, 篤次; OHARA, Atsuji
17-Dec-2010Exploring Relationships Between EFL Teacher Motivation,Meaningful Content, and Learner MotivationBRADLEY, Christopher A; ブラッドリー, クリストファー A
31-Mar-2011FDIの要因に関する比較研究衣, 長軍; YI, Changjun
22-Dec-2022Feminist Critical Discourse Studies and Japan’s English as a Foreign Language TextbooksHADDOW, Andrew; ハドー, アンドリュー
30-Sep-2017FinTechは、今度こそ「預金通貨」を根底から変えるか?-「情報技術革新と預金通貨・金融政策」(1999):revisited-石田, 和彦; ISHIDA, Kazuhiko
30-Mar-1998"The Fire and the Hearth "にみる人種と家系の問題内田, 智子; UCHIDA, Tomoko
20-Dec-2005Foreign Direct Investment as a Real Option: The Role of Managerial Flexibility and Uncertainty in Foreign Investment DecisionOIKAWA, Hiroshi, Michael; 小井川, 広志
31-Mar-2010FTZ Lifecycle Development in Malaysian IndustrialisationOIKAWA, Hiroshi, Michael; 小井川, 広志
20-Dec-2005Gender Bias in Language TextbooksCOOK, Melodie; クック, メロディ
15-Jan-2014Gender Representation and EFL Textbooks: A Case StudyDATZMAN, Brien
20-Dec-2004GIMメソッドの発見重永, 洋子; SHIGENAGA, Hiroko
21-Dec-2009Globalized United States-Japan Alliance and Japan's Security in the 21st Century瀬端, 孝夫; SEBATA, Takao
31-Mar-2024Good Strategy, Good Entrepreneurship? Examining When and How Digital Business Strategy Drives Firm Strategic EntrepreneurshipWan, Wenhai; Yang, Taoyan; Liu, Longjun; Liu, Xiayi
Showing results 92 to 111 of 1547
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