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Showing results 61 to 80 of 1513
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
31-Mar-2020CBE(Competency-based education)確立のための看護情報実践能力尺度の開発坂本, 仁美; SAKAMOTO, Hitomi
23-Mar-2020CBPRの中核要素を用いた地域づくりを行う住民の行動評価尺度開発山谷, 麻由美; YAMAYA, Mayumi
22-Dec-2011CCTVと1978年以降の中国経済改革政策香取, 淳子; KATORI, Atsuko
22-Dec-2008Challenges for EFL learners in understanding English humour:a pilot studyホドソン, リチャード; HODSON, Richard
31-Mar-2023Challenges for Regional Sustainable Tourism in Japan The Case of KyushuJIA, Xi; SUZUKI, Akihiko; 賈, 曦; 鈴木, 暁彦
30-Mar-2010Challenges of the EU Financial System after the Sub-Prime CrisisAOKI, Keisuke; AOKI, Keisuke
30-Dec-2010Changes in Industrial Interdependency between Japan and Korea-An Application of International Input-Output Analysis-YANG, Kwangsoo; LEE, Hong Bae; YANG, Kwangsoo; LEE, Hong Bae
31-Mar-2024Child Suicides in the COVID-19 Pandemic:The Need to Address Mental Health賈, 曦; 鈴木, 暁彦; JIA, Xi; SUZUKI, Akihiko
22-Dec-2011Chronicle of Shame:Imamura's MizoguchiHODSON, Richard; ホドソン, リチャード
30-Jun-2019CIF契約の再考とBLOCKCHAIN西, 道彦; NISHI, Michihiko
28-Dec-2016COC(1)先進事例における、フィールドワーク活動困難者への対応措置について関谷, 融; SEKIYA, Toru
22-Dec-2011Collective Variables in Apphed Linguistics ResearchHENSLEY, Joel; ヘンスリー, ジョール
30-Dec-2012Comparing the Metaphorical Systems of the L1 and L2 in the Language ClassroomRIFE, S.E.; RIFE, S.E.
20-Dec-2003Concurrent Teaching of Academic Reading and Academic Writing: Bridging the GapCOOK, Melodie; クック, メロディ
30-Jun-2024COVID-19収束後の唐津観光に関する一考察竹田, 英司; TAKEDA, Eiji
31-Mar-2016Creative Efforts and their Economic Effects on Nagasaki Prefecture’s Agriculture吉本, 諭; YOSHIMOTO, Satoshi
30-Mar-2021CSVの特質と可能性に関する一考察津久井, 稲緒; TSUKUI, Inao
20-Dec-2006Decline of Civilian power in Japan's Defense Policy瀬端, 孝夫; SEBATA, TAKAO
21-Dec-2009Democratic Civil-Military Relations in Post-Communist Europe: The Case of Hungary荻野, 晃; OGINO, Akira
30-Jun-2005Der Bundesbrief als eine historische Quelle ―Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des schweizerischen Bauernkrieges von 1653岩井, 隆夫; IWAI, Takao
Showing results 61 to 80 of 1513
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